At Dualboot Partners, we have a unique vantage point into what it takes to deliver successful product development across various organizations. While each industry faces its own set of unique challenges, we have noticed common patterns that transcend sectors. The real complexity in software delivery often lies not in subject matter expertise—but in aligning delivery to the size and nuances of the business.
Steps to Kickstart Your Product Development
If you’re leading a product initiative and feel stuck or frustrated with your organization’s lack of traction in building new products, consider these actionable insights:
Start Small, Win Big
Time and again, we’ve seen that small, dedicated product teams focused on value chain delivery outperform larger, project-focused teams. Why? Because when a team is small and empowered, they take true ownership of outcomes rather than just outputs. Remember: Products are bundles of value delivery. Ensure each team member is accountable for both goals and timelines, and align around clear, customer-driven metrics.
Nail Your Goals
Overcomplicating the first version of a product is a common pitfall. Instead, pick one or two key user problems to solve with your initial iteration. Keep it simple and focused. Establish a clear user metric you aim to influence. Don’t choose revenue as your key metric—revenue is a lagging indicator. Look for a leading indicator that truly reflects user engagement. For example, Spotify measures the success of new features by their ability to grow total minutes listened to within a month.